For many parents, it is their dream to provide a better life for their children than they had growing up. That doesn’t mean their childhood wasn’t fantastic, but they strive to do more. Every parent has goals, whether it’s a family vacation, buying a pair of fancy shoes, or even ensuring their children have their own bedrooms. But is there such a thing as too much? According to Roxanne Loya’s 12-year-old daughter’s Christmas list, there sure isn’t.
Today, Loya is a 34-year-old mom of four living a comfortable life with her husband in Phoenix. But life wasn’t always so easy. As a teen mom, she struggled but persevered, and now she wants to spoil her children. When her 12-year-old daughter presented her with a $5,000 Christmas list, she shared it on her TikTok account @roxanneunwokemom. It shocked some folks.
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This little girl has big ideas.
We’ve seen pretty insane Christmas lists, and Loya’s daughter’s isn’t the worst. As Loya explained in her video, “I have to give it to her, she’s just like me, and she likes the nice things,” before starting the haul. Her daughter noted that if items were written in purple with a pink bow next to them, that indicated she “really” wanted them.
Loya then began the list with a White Fox hoodie, which she considered reasonable, but then her daughter requested $98 Lululemon leggings — “Crazy.”
Loya's daughter wants a lot of stuff.
She added a digital camera and printer to the list, along with multiple phone cases and some new shoes. Loya then began rattling off her daughter’s makeup, skin care, and fragrance requests from Sephora.
“Apparently my list at Sephora is long and I need to take my husband, and a wagon, to carry it all with me,” Loya says. “What’s she going to do with all this?”
A lot of people wondered the same thing.
The comment section lit up.
Loya’s video has nearly 285,000 views, and people are worked up about the list. One comment reads, “I can’t even get any of this an adult.”
Some moms thought the list sounded familiar:
One wrote, “Are my daughter and your daughter best friends?”
This one agreed, writing, “I thought my step daughter was crazy sending list at $1100. Must be a trend we got links too.”
But others clued in on the tween’s presentation skills. “That girl is going to be a leader for sure 🥰I love her organization and the simplicity of just click the link,” one wrote. Someone else agreed, commenting, “Her presentation skills alone are pretty impressive.”
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Loya is fine with the big list.
The mom told People that she grew up poor, and now that she and her husband can afford to give their kids more than they had, they do it. She also encourages her kids to dream big.
“Your kid knows exactly what they want, and that confidence comes from the way you’ve raised them,” she explained. “For them to feel safe enough to say, ‘Mom, this is what I want and this is what I like,’ and for them to dream big, that’s huge.”
You never know if you don’t ask. Let’s just hope you’re on the nice list this year, kid.