Social Media Accounts To Follow To Help You Take Hold of Your Emotional Health as a Mom

Managing your mental health as a mom sometimes feels like a part-time job. There is a huge demand on moms literally all the time. Between meeting the physical and emotional needs of our children and our partners, managing a household and most often, working full-time as well, the weight of it all can feel crushing. Help from a mental health professional is almost always a good idea, but sometimes, we need little daily reminders to get us through the day.

Since most of us are on social media anyway, it can be a great place to turn when you need to remember that you're not alone, you need a bit of inspiration, or even when you just need to laugh along with another mom.

Regular moms, celebrity moms, and moms who are therapists and counselors, are all on social media offering it up in abundance. Why not use every tool in your toolbox to help you tend to your emotional well-being? Give these moms a follow on social media, and we promise they'll make you feel a little bit better about motherhood, and well … life in general.


An offshoot of the The Mommy Therapist blog, the_mommy_therapist on Instagram is a place where real moms and therapists can connect for regular doses of encouragement and insight on the issues that real moms deal with, like sex, breastfeeding, and setting boundaries.


Run by two sisters who are both moms, running_in_triangles on Instagram is entirely devoted to helping moms deal with postpartum depression, whether that's days or weeks after baby is born, or years. There's a large focus on self-acceptance and the idea that as moms, we should be giving ourselves tons of grace.

Hilary Duff

We all know her and love her, but Hilary Duff lives a very different life than most of us. As a lifelong TV actress, there's a lot of glitz and glam in her world, but she's also a mom of three and likes to share all the realness of motherhood on her Instagram account, which we really appreciate.


A mom, therapist and podcaster, Erica Djossa of happyasamother on Instagram, offers up real-life tips and advice for moms struggling with various aspects of life from sleep deprivation to unrealistic expectations and even anger. We're talking really practical, helpful stuff here.


Need a reminder that you don't need to do all the things? Dr. Jazmin a.k.a. themompsychologist on Instagram, will tell you just that, along with tons of other helpful reminders that you might need to see throughout the day. Not only that, but you'll find some really useful parenting tips on her Instagram page as well.


Frustration and subsequent guilt about parenting choices that arose during that period of frustration, are a recurring part of parenthood. Leslie over at latinxparenting, reminds us that we don't have to repeat negative cycles we experienced during our own childhoods and reminds us to be gentle with ourselves as well as with our children.

Jennifer Garner

Everyone knows Jennifer Garner is the best. Yes, she's a great actress and an all around good person, but she's also a super funny and genuine mom of three kids, all of whom are in different stages of childhood. She has a lot of fun on Instagram, often reminding parents that it's OK to not be OK and that we all — even the rich and famous — struggle with life sometimes. And along with all the hilarious videos she posts, she also does helpful guided meditations and prayers with professionals.

The Birds Papaya

Life happens, and Sarah Nicole Landry of The Birds Papaya blog and Instagram page is a prime example of that. She's a mom of four kids who span from infancy to adolescence, she's been married and divorced and remarried and has also battled disordered eating, and she bares it all on social. If you need validation and encouragement, her space is where you'll find it.

Celeste Barber

Because sometimes, you just need to laugh at yourself. A comedian from Australia, Celeste Barber has two kids, and gained fame on Insta by recreating photos and videos of celebrities and models, in the most real way possible. Celeste reminds us that we're real people and that what we see on the internet usually isn't, and she does it in a way that's sure to snap you out of your funk.


If you're a mom who loves inspirational quotes, you absolutely have to follow positivelysparkly on Instagram. Even when you know it, sometimes you have to see it to believe it again, and on this page, you'll constantly be reminded of how strong and capable you are, and that you deserve to be treated with respect and grace.


You deserve to be cared for, too. Follow the mindbodygreen account on Instagram, and you'll see all sorts of tips for both mental and physical wellness, along with plenty of quotes to promote positive thinking. This is a place where you'll learn how mind and body connect to keep you sane.

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell is another funny, cool celebrity who often uses her platform not just to promote her work, but as a place to validate the fact that motherhood is hard, and that we're all doing the best we can.


Motherhood is complicated and Samantha over at mommy.realist on Instagram will make you laugh so hard you cry about it, and that's what we call cathartic. As moms, we're often made to feel like our emotions aren't legitimate and our reactions are selfish, but we're entitled to take every moment of motherhood exactly the way it comes to us. Samantha reminds us that not only do we not have to be ashamed of our feelings, but that they're normal.


You don't have to suffer the trials of motherhood alone. In fact, you're not. At motherhoodunderstood on Instagram, you'll find support and resources for moms starting from pregnancy onward, and a lot of it is honestly priceless. Not only will you see facts and figures about mental health and motherhood, you'll see practical tips and inspiring stories as well.


Sometimes you just need a ray of sunshine. Amara Grace, aka the_optimisticgirl on Instagram, doesn't have a perfect life or perfectly well-behaved children, but she does have a wonderfully positive outlook on life that's absolutely contagious. Her good mood is sure to cheer you up when you're feeling down.

*Disclaimer: The advice on is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health-care provider with questions and concerns.