The new year presents a wonderful opportunity for change because it is a clean slate full of possibilities. It is so easy to carry last year’s baggage into the new year, especially for busy moms who always put their family’s needs ahead of their own. When making resolutions you don’t want to set yourself up for failure.
Here are ten New Year’s resolutions for moms that are easy to achieve. Some are personal and some are family based. All they take is a bit of planning and follow through. You got this.
Make Self-Care a Priority
Self-care is far from selfish. You have to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Too often, moms put their needs second, so make it a New Year’s resolution to prioritize self-care. It doesn’t have to be a big production. It can be as simple as taking a walk, writing in your journal, or taking a long bubble bath. You deserve it.
Unplug for Family Time
Our phones, smart watches, tablets, and laptops are useful tools that help us organize our lives and do important work. Those same devices are also extremely distracting and can isolate us from those we love. Make it a New Year’s resolution to connect with your family without distractions. Go bowling, take a hike, or mini-golf without your phones. Leave them in a backpack and see how freeing it is.
More from CafeMom: 15 Rules All Parents Should Set When Their Kid Gets a Phone
Get Active Together
Kids may not always listen, but they are watching everything you do. Living an active lifestyle is a great way to stay healthy and fit. Moms can take this a step further by getting the whole family in on the action. Make a resolution to get moving together. It can be as simple as talking a “fart” walk after dinner, or you can go all out and sign up for family karate. Mr. Miyagi would be so proud.
Plan Regular Date Nights
Parenting is no joke. It is so easy for romantic partners to start to feel more like roommates when raising tiny humans. Make it a New Year’s resolution to schedule regular date nights to keep your relationship strong. Try a new cocktail bar, restaurant, or throw an ax together. You will be so happy you made your partnership a priority.
Plan Regular Self-Dates
In addition to making your romantic relationship a priority, you also deserve to strengthen your bond with yourself. Once a week for an hour, take yourself out on a mini-date: go to a coffee shop and read, go to a park and people watch, or stream your favorite show. This New Year’s resolution will fill your soul back up.
Model Gratitude
Consider making it a family resolution to practice gratitude every day. Create a family “thankful” jar and have everyone write what they are grateful for on a piece of paper then put it inside. Once a week at dinner, read them out loud. Gratitude has a way of multiplying and making even the darkest of days a bit brighter.
Learn Something New
Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks was seriously wrong (and probably an extremely bitter person). It is never too late to try something new — and with the internet, you might not even need to learn your house to accomplish this goal. There are tons of free tutorial videos on a wide range of subjects on YouTube, or you can look into paid classes with websites like MasterClass. You can also learn a new language with apps like Duolingo and Babbel!
Be Gentle With Yourself
Moms are the glue that hold their families together — but with this great power comes great responsibility and pressure. No one gets it right a hundred percent of the time. In the new year, make it a resolution to let go of perfectionism and instead just try to be present. Did you snap at your child because you were tired? It’s OK to make mistakes, just use it as a way to model apologizing to your kids. Be your own best friend and give yourself some grace.
Connect With Other Moms Regularly
Having a reliable community of likeminded moms is so important. These parents can swoop in when you get overwhelmed. Your fellow moms will understand what you are going through; they can listen, commiserate with you, and offer helpful advice. If you don’t have a mom-group of your own yet, make it a New Year’s resolution to find or start one.
Say 'No' More Often
“No” is not a bad word. It helps establish boundaries and manages expectations. Give yourself permission to say no to events, people, and situations that do not fill you up. You can also say no to overbearing family members (such as grandparents who want to pop by unannounced) in order to protect your peace. Make it a New Year’s resolution to use this word more often.