The new school year is finally here, and it's hard to believe how quickly it crept up. Some of us parents get anxious about the back-to-school prep, while many others actually look forward to the new beginning (and some of us are somewhere in the middle).
No matter what your feelings are about back-to-school, there are some traditions that should be kept. Some parents aren't sure as their kids get older, what traditions to keep or which ones to start. But it's important to remember that we follow traditions for a reason: to make those lasting memories and to have mementos.
We've rounded up 16 back-to-school traditions to keep alive or start this school year. They'll be the memories you come back to in the future!
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Read a Book Before Bed.
Oh the Places You'll Go is one of the cutest books for this type of tradition. This illustrated book by Dr. Seuss is fun for parents to read to their kids or, if the kids are old enough, to have the children read to the parents. If there's a desire to make the tradition even more memorable, each year before the first day of school, write a motivational or sweet message in the book.
Make a Special Day.
If there's more than one child in the family, set aside a full day for each of them before school starts. On this day, parents can celebrate the favorite things of each of the kids. Choose their favorite meal and the movie they always want to watch over and over again. This tradition is something the parent and kids can look forward to.
Freshen Up the Homework Spot.
Take an afternoon to clean, spruce up, and decorate the space where they're going to do most of their schoolwork, whether it's virtual (less likely this year) or simply homework. This will also make them (and you!) feel like you're fully ready to take on the new school year.
Pick Out a First Day Outfit.
This is a fun tradition for the first day of school, and parents and kids can spend some time coordinating a cloth mask with the outfit as well. Having a cute or favorite outfit for the first day will get the whole year off on the right foot.
Prep All the School Supplies.
For some people, one of the best things about back-to-school is being able to see all the new supplies — or to gather the old ones. Take time before school starts and organize all those supplies, putting name stickers on the pencils, glue, and all the other bits.
Take Those Photos.
One of the most popular back-to-school traditions is first day of school photographs. As your kids get older, they may be less willing to participate, but try! They'll be memories you'll cherish forever. This year, be extra creative and make memories of the unique school year that is just ahead — the first sort of normal one in a while. These can be funny, silly, serious, or extravagant, and it's a fun activity to let the imagination fly.
Decorate Their Bedroom Door.
Have a fun evening by decorating the kids' bedroom door (or doors) while they're still sleeping. That way, when they wake up on the morning of their first day of school, they'll be surprised by the artwork, streamers, and balloons. There's no better way to start the day than with a joyful showing of support.
Create Sidewalk Chalk Messages.
Everyone could use some extra encouragement. Grab sidewalk chalk, take the kids outside, and decorate the sidewalks that kids and/or teachers will use to get to school. Cheerful supportive messages and tips for a good first day would be helpful to highlight.
Size Up a T-Shirt.
If there's a desire to start a back-to-school tradition that will last for years, grab a large white T-shirt that would fit an adult and write an encouraging or funny school message on it. Before each new school year, have the kids put the shirt on (yes, even when it's way too big) and take a photo every year. It's a fun way to watch the kids grow with each grade.
Bake a Cake or Cupcakes.
Almost everyone loves cakes and cupcakes. Making it a tradition to bake each year before school starts is not only fun as an activity but also leads to getting to eat something tasty. There are several ways to jazz up a cake or cupcakes for the new year. Bake an apple-shaped cake, one that looks like a school bus, or decorate it with the name of the new teacher.
Give a New Book.
There are so many great books for kids, and just imagine the great library that could be built up if it's a yearly tradition to give a new book each school year. Customize the new book by writing a personal message along with the year on the inside of the cover. Every time kids reads the new books, they'll be able to revisit that memory.
Make a Delicious Breakfast.
There's a reason breakfast is called the meal of champions; it sets people up for the best possibility to have a wonderful day. On the first day of school, there is so much anxiety. Spend the morning making breakfast together (or the night before and heating up) and focus on the positives for the day ahead.
Interview the Kids About Their Goals.
This back-to-school tradition can be done in written form or a video if there's the ability to do that at home. Each year, interview each child about favorite things, favorite subjects, and what hopes and fears each has about the upcoming year. Doing this annually creates something fun to reflect on at the end of the school year as well as when the child graduates from high school.
Give Back.
If parents have the financial ability to do so, they can make it a tradition each year to spend time and money putting together backpacks for families and children in need. Most of the items can be purchased online, and then kids and parents can spend time before the first day of school making sure each backpack contains all the necessary supplies a child might need.
Never Alone Bracelets.
If there's a child who will be heading back to in-person class this year, make "never alone" bracelets before school starts, which will be especially helpful if the child has any anxiety. And let's face it — even if the kid never used to have anxiety about leaving the house, there's a whole lot of understanding that this year that might change.
The Year Before Photo.
If parents are looking for a back-to-school photo idea to start every year, the year before photo is a fun one. To start this tradition, take a photo of a child each year before school starts. In the second year, have the child hold up last year's photo for the current year's photo. By the time the child gets to the end of a school career, it will be an adorable montage of images.