15 Things To Do To Get Organized & Feel Zen Leading Into the Holidays

No matter what winter holiday traditions our families might celebrate, we all probably want the same things: to be cozy, to make fun memories, to share special meals, and to enjoy time with the ones we love the most. It is also probably safe to say most of us wish all that holiday goodness didn't come with the stress and busyness that can happen with the holiday shopping, decorating, cooking, and wrapping. It can be all too easy for holiday magic to turn any mom into a cranky ball of stress.

We don't want that, for ourselves or any other mom, so we're all about thinking of ways to bring down the stress level this holiday season. We talked to 15 moms who've cracked the code for themselves on how to get organized for the holidays and to bring some zen energy to this special time of year. Here's our suggestion: Steal some of these ideas and see if that doesn't make the next two months more fun for everyone (because we all know a stressed mom isn't anyone's idea of a good time). Regular massages and kids doing more work around the house? Yes, please!

More from CafeMom: How I’m Opting Out of the Frenetic Pace of Christmas This Year

A Shared Gift List


"Every fall I set up a Google doc with a list of all the people we need to buy gifts for and what gifts we already have (and where we hid them!). I share the doc with my wife so we can both pick up gifts if we see something good or on sale. As long as we both remember to update it, it helps us be organized and not overbuy or miss someone." – Taylor D., New York

The Family Meeting

Holiday Lights

"In October, we have a family meeting and everyone gets to make one request for something special they want to do for the holidays. Tree, presents, and stockings are a given. One kid might want to go on a Christmas light drive, the other wants to go ice skating, etc. I make sure we plan for those things but then everything else is optional. I let go of the idea that we have to do all the traditions every year and it helps keep me sane." – Chelsea H., Ohio

A Smart Decor Hack


"When I put up my holiday decorations, I put a piece of blue painters tape with the year on it on anything that I don’t put up. When I put up decorations the next year, anything that I still don’t put up and haven’t put up for two years goes into recycling or the giveaway pile. This helps keep my decoration stash from feeling totally overwhelming and creates space for cute new things I might want to buy." – Kate P., Ontario

All Hands on Deck for Cleaning


"One of the things that makes me feel very not Zen is when I feel like I’m doing everything and nobody is pitching in. In November and December, I know I’ll already be doing even more than usual to get ready for the holidays, so I make sure I make my family step up more to share the load.

"I’m a fan of setting a timer for 20 minutes after dinner and everyone has to do something useful during that time – dishes, picking up toys, whatever. It helps keep the clutter at bay, at least." – Mira K, Hawaii

Make More Space

"I have a small house and I love Christmas decorations, but it can make me feel like there is so much stuff around. This just gets worse once we start putting out presents. Feeling like we are crowded for space makes me feel super stressed out.

"One thing I’ve started doing is taking out more of the nonholiday decorations to make more space and to make the space feel less cluttered. We have collapsible bookshelves, so I’ll put the books and knickknacks that are usually on that in the basement for the holiday and either move the bookshelf down too or use it to display holiday decorations. I'd rather spend a few hours moving furniture and putting stuff in the basement than a month of feeling like my house is too d— full." – Jessie R., Kansas

More from CafeMom: 10 Gorgeous Gift Wrap Ideas for the Prettiest Holiday Packages

Get a Jump on Holiday Cards


"If you do holiday cards, get them done EARLY. I order our cards in October and then will throw on a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie in early November and stuff, address, and stamp the envelopes. Then I put them away and put a calendar reminder on my phone for early December (including location where I put the cards) to put them in the mail.

"Doing them in November feels easy and fun. Doing them in December makes me feel harried. I also quit trying to do a fun family letter or personalized messages in the card. All people really want to see are the pictures anyways!" – Arlette G., Minnesota

Schedule Self-Care


"I book a massage for myself for the day before Thanksgiving, the week before Christmas, and to start the new year. It totally helps and makes sure I take a break in the midst of all the chaos. And my back is usually killing me from shopping and baking, so it feels extra nice this time of year!" – Nicole B., Iowa

The Folder Trick

The buyer holds a purchase receipt in his hands, checks purchases and prices
Viktoriia Makarova/iStock

"I have an accordion file folder thing and I use it to store and organize stuff for the holidays, like that is where I keep all the gift cards I buy, all the gift receipts I might need, envelopes with new addresses to update the Christmas card list after the holidays, etc. It is a small thing but it helps me feel on top of stuff. Just not having to scramble to find all the teacher gift cards on the less day before winter break makes me feel more Zen!" – Monica C., Texas

Just Say No


"Just say no to holiday traditions or activities that are more work than fun! Elf on a Shelf does not make anyone feel Zen. Moms put too much pressure on themselves this time of year. Not everything has to be magical, every moment." – Erin A., New Mexico

Skip the Post Office


"I’ve decided that I’m not going to the post office during the holidays ever again. It is a nightmare. I get all our stamps from Costco and any gifts that need to get shipped, get shipped from the website I buy them from. The packages may not have my homemade touches but I get hours of my life back." – Sarah K., Minnesota

Dedicated Wrapping Paper


"One thing I do is have a dedicated wrapping paper for everyone in the family. Everyone has their own pattern so I can keep track of who gets what gift and can assess the visuals to see if anyone looks like they have way more presents than anyone else.

"This also saves me time, since I don't have to put gift tags on any of them. I try to wrap a few presents every night, starting in December, so I don’t have to spend hours on Christmas Eve wrapping." – Susie E., Michigan

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

He's got gift wrapping duties covered

"Delegate, delegate, delegate. There is zero reason my husband can’t wrap gifts or my kids can’t help stuff Christmas cards into envelopes. I don’t have to do everything, and it is better for everyone else if I don't (because I get crabby like WHOA). I make a list of tasks and we all divvy them up. I don't have to be a martyr to make sure everyone has a good holiday." – Gina T., Minnesota

Trim the Gift List


"One thing that is helping me feel less stressed is that we've cut our Christmas gift list in half. It had gotten ridiculous (we both have big families) and we were spending too much time and money getting gifts for people who don't actually need or want anything, like my parents.

"We both talked to our families and agreed to stop doing gift exchanges with the extended family. I'm also excited to have my kids get less stuff, because that is less stuff I have to find space for after the holidays!" – Didi C., Indiana

Take-Out Thanksgiving

thanksgiving turkey

"I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving this year and I'm already like 30% more Zen. I ordered a whole meal from a local restaurant, so all I have to do is warm stuff up. I'm a nurse and I have to work until midnight on the day before Thanksgiving. The thought of cooking from scratch was exhausting.

"Now I can sleep in, my husband can pick up the meal, and we are supporting a local business. Wins all around!" – Teri J., Kentucky

Buy Less, Travel More


"My kids have so much stuff, they truly don't need more, but they'll get plenty of gifts from the grandparents. This is why we decided to adopt the four gifts plan (something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read) for this year and to spend our gift budget on a quick winter trip instead. A reduction in stuff plus escaping the snow sounds perfect to me!" – Mary Kate D., Minnesota

More from CafeMom: 22 Holiday Gifts Teachers Really Don't Want